Wow I haven't posted in a really long time... BUT I have gotten back to doing some summer knitting :) I made my new second cousin some new baby digs (hopefully they don't see this causeee they haven't received it yet!)
His name is Félix and he is the cutest little baby boy I've seen in a while (and maybe because he's my cousin's kid? who knows!)
He was born June 16th 2010 and aaaaaaw he makes me want my own baby. And I know that when we do find out we're pregnant... I'll go into full blown nesting mode and make our baby a FULL wardrobe as soon as we found out.
ANYWAY! I got obsessed with making baby items - mostly because they're so cute AND they take no time at all to make. I made him some booties, thumb less mittens and 2 hats. 1 was made out of 100% organic cotton and the other with baby synthetic yarn.
Here's a photo of his new digs. :)

Love it!
Also.. I realized I could actually follow a pattern and make stuff other than scarves.. so I attempted to learn how to knit cables. AND, it actually is SO easy... which is surprising because I had this huge fear for years about attempting anything out of my comfort zone. I guess it's a lesson learned: try new things and it may just turn out good :)
So this is my current project - a Quick Cabled Cowl :) I'm making it with Linen Wool Ease yarn by Lion Brand and it's knitting up fairly quickly.
Here's a photo of my current project :)

and a link to the pattern: